octomap  1.9.7
OcTreeKey.h File Reference
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Data Structures

struct  octomap::OcTreeKey::KeyHash
 Provides a hash function on Keys. More...
class  octomap::KeyRay
class  octomap::OcTreeKey
 OcTreeKey is a container class for internal key addressing. More...


 Tables used by the Marching Cubes Algorithm The tables are from Paul Bourke's web page http://paulbourke.net/geometry/polygonise/ Used with permission here under BSD license.


typedef uint16_t octomap::key_type
typedef unordered_ns::unordered_map< OcTreeKey, bool, OcTreeKey::KeyHash > octomap::KeyBoolMap
 Data structrure to efficiently track changed nodes as a combination of OcTreeKeys and a bool flag (to denote newly created nodes) More...
typedef unordered_ns::unordered_set< OcTreeKey, OcTreeKey::KeyHash > octomap::KeySet
 Data structure to efficiently compute the nodes to update from a scan insertion using a hash set. More...


uint8_t octomap::computeChildIdx (const OcTreeKey &key, int depth)
 generate child index (between 0 and 7) from key at given tree depth More...
void octomap::computeChildKey (unsigned int pos, key_type center_offset_key, const OcTreeKey &parent_key, OcTreeKey &child_key)
 Computes the key of a child node while traversing the octree, given child index and current key. More...
OcTreeKey octomap::computeIndexKey (key_type level, const OcTreeKey &key)
 Generates a unique key for all keys on a certain level of the tree. More...