▼Noctomap | Tables used by the Marching Cubes Algorithm The tables are from Paul Bourke's web page http://paulbourke.net/geometry/polygonise/ Used with permission here under BSD license |
CAbstractOccupancyOcTree | Interface class for all octree types that store occupancy |
CAbstractOcTree | This abstract class is an interface to all octrees and provides a factory design pattern for readin and writing all kinds of OcTrees to files (see read()) |
CAbstractOcTreeNode | |
▼CColorOcTree | |
CStaticMemberInitializer | Static member object which ensures that this OcTree's prototype ends up in the classIDMapping only once |
▼CColorOcTreeNode | |
CColor | |
▼CCountingOcTree | An AbstractOcTree which stores an internal counter per node / volume |
CStaticMemberInitializer | Static member object which ensures that this OcTree's prototype ends up in the classIDMapping only once |
CCountingOcTreeNode | An Octree-node which stores an internal counter per node / volume |
CKeyRay | |
CMapCollection | |
CMapNode | |
COccupancyOcTreeBase | Base implementation for Occupancy Octrees (e.g |
▼COcTree | Octomap main map data structure, stores 3D occupancy grid map in an OcTree |
CStaticMemberInitializer | Static member object which ensures that this OcTree's prototype ends up in the classIDMapping only once |
COcTreeBase | |
COcTreeBaseImpl | OcTree base class, to be used with with any kind of OcTreeDataNode |
COcTreeDataNode | Basic node in the OcTree that can hold arbitrary data of type T in value |
▼COcTreeKey | OcTreeKey is a container class for internal key addressing |
CKeyHash | Provides a hash function on Keys |
COcTreeNode | Nodes to be used in OcTree |
COcTreeNodeStamped | |
▼COcTreeStamped | |
CStaticMemberInitializer | Static member object which ensures that this OcTree's prototype ends up in the classIDMapping only once |
CPointcloud | A collection of 3D coordinates (point3d), which are regarded as endpoints of a 3D laser scan |
CScanEdge | A connection between two ScanNodes |
CScanGraph | A ScanGraph is a collection of ScanNodes, connected by ScanEdges |
CScanNode | A 3D scan as Pointcloud, performed from a Pose6D |
▼Noctomath | |
CPose6D | This class represents a tree-dimensional pose of an object |
CQuaternion | This class represents a Quaternion |
CVector3 | This class represents a three-dimensional vector |
▼Citerator_base | Base class for OcTree iterators |
CStackElement | Element on the internal recursion stack of the iterator |
Cleaf_bbx_iterator | Bounding-box leaf iterator |
Cleaf_iterator | Iterator to iterate over all leafs of the tree |
Ctree_iterator | Iterator over the complete tree (inner nodes and leafs) |