octomap  1.9.7
Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 NoctomapTables used by the Marching Cubes Algorithm The tables are from Paul Bourke's web page http://paulbourke.net/geometry/polygonise/ Used with permission here under BSD license
 CAbstractOccupancyOcTreeInterface class for all octree types that store occupancy
 CAbstractOcTreeThis abstract class is an interface to all octrees and provides a factory design pattern for readin and writing all kinds of OcTrees to files (see read())
 CStaticMemberInitializerStatic member object which ensures that this OcTree's prototype ends up in the classIDMapping only once
 CCountingOcTreeAn AbstractOcTree which stores an internal counter per node / volume
 CStaticMemberInitializerStatic member object which ensures that this OcTree's prototype ends up in the classIDMapping only once
 CCountingOcTreeNodeAn Octree-node which stores an internal counter per node / volume
 COccupancyOcTreeBaseBase implementation for Occupancy Octrees (e.g
 COcTreeOctomap main map data structure, stores 3D occupancy grid map in an OcTree
 CStaticMemberInitializerStatic member object which ensures that this OcTree's prototype ends up in the classIDMapping only once
 COcTreeBaseImplOcTree base class, to be used with with any kind of OcTreeDataNode
 COcTreeDataNodeBasic node in the OcTree that can hold arbitrary data of type T in value
 COcTreeKeyOcTreeKey is a container class for internal key addressing
 CKeyHashProvides a hash function on Keys
 COcTreeNodeNodes to be used in OcTree
 CStaticMemberInitializerStatic member object which ensures that this OcTree's prototype ends up in the classIDMapping only once
 CPointcloudA collection of 3D coordinates (point3d), which are regarded as endpoints of a 3D laser scan
 CScanEdgeA connection between two ScanNodes
 CScanGraphA ScanGraph is a collection of ScanNodes, connected by ScanEdges
 CScanNodeA 3D scan as Pointcloud, performed from a Pose6D
 CPose6DThis class represents a tree-dimensional pose of an object
 CQuaternionThis class represents a Quaternion
 CVector3This class represents a three-dimensional vector
 Citerator_baseBase class for OcTree iterators
 CStackElementElement on the internal recursion stack of the iterator
 Cleaf_bbx_iteratorBounding-box leaf iterator
 Cleaf_iteratorIterator to iterate over all leafs of the tree
 Ctree_iteratorIterator over the complete tree (inner nodes and leafs)